Veteran Care

VA Aid and Attendance Benefit – Updated Information for 2020

VA Aid and Attendance Benefit – Updated Information for 2020 By Jami Scott, Medicaid/VA Specialist, Elder Law Associates PA The VA Aid and Attendance benefit is provided to a veteran and/or his or her surviving spouse if they meet certain criteria. The veteran must be at least 65 years old or older; must have served [...]

VA Aid and Attendance Benefit – Updated Information for 20202024-07-12T15:01:49+00:00

Home Care and Veterans Aid

Veterans Aid &  Home Care   They fought for us and now it’s time to make sure that our Veterans are taken care of as they age. The Department of Veterans Affair created a program to provide home care for Veterans, and their spouses. Veterans Aid will provide care when a Vet and their spouse [...]

Home Care and Veterans Aid2024-07-12T17:18:17+00:00
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