Company News & Events

Move over Medical Alert Buttons…. the Electronic Care Giver offers So Much More!

Move over Medical Alert Buttons.... the Electronic Care Giver's Medical Alert System offers So Much More! Our clients and their families have always been our priority. Keeping them safe and healthy is our number one goal, while keeping their loved ones fully informed. So when we heard about the latest innovation in the medical [...]

Move over Medical Alert Buttons…. the Electronic Care Giver offers So Much More!2024-09-17T21:37:19+00:00

The Year of Kindness

Kindness is the  simplest act of compassion, empathy and concern. “Being Kind” can be the greatest gift you can give to someone. Being Kind is helping others achieve their goals, lending a hand or offering support. Kindness is also about making others feel valuable, respected and connected. When our care givers care for the [...]

The Year of Kindness2024-07-12T17:19:28+00:00
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