Caregiver Wellness & Tips

Caring for Yourself or a Loved One with COVID-19 A Do It Yourself Guide

Here is a quick guide on what PSC recommends for you to do if you or someone you know has a positive COVID test with or without symptoms: Always have proper PPE on hand-gloves, masks, face shield, disinfectant/soaps, sprays/wipes, gowns, pulse oximetry meter, blood pressure cuff, and thermometer (all can be purchased at your local [...]

Caring for Yourself or a Loved One with COVID-19 A Do It Yourself Guide2024-06-26T19:23:05+00:00

Caregiver Burnout

What is Caregiver Burnout? Being a caregiver can be very rewarding, but it also involves many stressors. Caregivers face long-term challenges and the emotional stressors that can snowball over time. It can be particularly disheartening when there’s no hope that your client or patient will get better or, despite your best efforts, their condition [...]

Caregiver Burnout2024-07-12T15:10:26+00:00

Coaching Family Caregivers, Because Caregivers Need Care Too!

Coaching Family Caregivers, Because Caregivers Need Care Too! Many caregivers, especially family caregivers, experience feelings of loss, guilt, and stress. However, it is a natural reaction to feel scared when living and caring for someone with so many uncertainties. Therefore it is important to coaching family caregivers and alleviate any overwhelming feelings that can [...]

Coaching Family Caregivers, Because Caregivers Need Care Too!2024-07-12T17:17:22+00:00

10 Realistic Resolutions for Care Givers including Moms!

With New Year’s around the corner,  it seems that everyone is evaluating the past year and hopefully making plans for a new one.  Many people, both old and young are looking for a fresh start. Even though the majority of people who make New Year’s Resolutions don’t always stick to them, I am still [...]

10 Realistic Resolutions for Care Givers including Moms!2024-07-12T16:05:21+00:00
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